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Thousands take the plunge for Special Olympics New York



Thousands take the plunge for Special Olympics New York

Rochester, New York – At the 39th annual Lakeside Winter Celebration, almost 2,000 competitors braved the frigid waters of Lake Ontario, helping to raise $350,000 for Special Olympics New York.

For Special Olympics New York, vice president of development Renee Snyder stated, “We do 18 Polar Plunges across the state raising nearly $3 million, but Rochester, it’s tried and true.”
The Rochester Polar Plunge, which is in its 25th year, encourages some participants to dress appropriately.

One of the plungers, Dwayne Hayward, stated, “It’s cold, but it’s ok because it’s for a great cause, it doesn’t matter.”

“I’m feeling a little bit cold, but honestly, I’m feeling great,” said Ryan Dunbar, another participant. It’s all about this. There are smiles on the faces of all these wonderful people.

Regarding some of the unusual outfits shown, Snyder praised the participants’ inventiveness, stating, “The costumes are excellent here in Rochester. These teams truly give it their best, and they have an official judge who has been here from the beginning.”

Snyder gave the following advice to others who were afraid to jump in: “Don’t wear a lot of clothes in that water. Less is more. Because the largest obstacle is changing afterward.

